single sign on key fusionauth

Single Sign-On

Simplify user experience and maintain control using FusionAuth Single Sign-on (SSO) to grant access to all authorized applications.

single sign on key fusionauth

Single Sign-On

Seamless security, convenience and configuration.

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Convenience and Security Across All Your Applications

Use Single Sign On (SSO) to log in once, then get access to any standards-based application. Through identity federation, social media login, or username/password, use FusionAuth as the identity provider to give people access to all your software: open source, proprietary and in-house.

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Seamless Access Experience

Make it easy for users across all your apps. Use our APIs and theme-able login pages to make the authentication experience transparent and perfectly consistent with your UX.

SAML fusionauth configuration mobile phone login

Configure FusionAuth as a SAML Identity Provider

It doesn’t matter if you’re using SaaS or open source apps. Setting up FusionAuth is easy. Just set up a new application in FusionAuth and configure the ACS and other values to have FusionAuth act as the identity provider for applications supporting  Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML).

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Control Single Sign-On Behavior

Not all users need the same privileges. FusionAuth gives you control over the SSO behavior of your users and the groups they belong to. When a user signs out of one application, should they be logged out of all the others? You decide.

Find OIDC Integration Details

Using OpenID Connect for SSO? No problem. Once you've configured your application in FusionAuth, find the well known endpoints and other details you need to finish an OpenId Connect integration.

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Configure SSO Session Length

Customize the length of each user’s single sign-on session. After all, some users only need to be online for a short time while others will be working in your apps almost constantly. By logging occasional users out after a shorter period of time, you boost your security.